Rural Airways Excellence

Rural, single provider resuscitation that includes intubation is hard. It is resource intensive for a small hospital and carries the potential for catastrophic failure. Also, a rural doc and their nurses may not have the consistent exposure to crisis involving airway obstruction and have lost their “muscle memory” that comes from repeated and frequent intubation. Finally, any assistance, in the form of an anesthetist or respiratory therapy, may not be close by.

To manage these critical variables an approach that is simple, effective and more dependent on human factors then on technology and fancy gadgets is needed. In the Airways Excellence course, we have made every effort to streamline and simplify airways training effectiveness and efficiency. Instead of extensive checklists, we provide you with intuitive, easy-to-follow cognitive schemas that “stick” in your brain even if you are not using these skills every day and when muscle memory is not an option. We break down the process of intubation into a number of discrete micro skills that we practice over and over again until they become second nature. You will master direct laryngoscopy, video laryngoscopy using a Glidescope and master a rapid 3-step approach to a surgical airway. Once you have become proficient with these skills, we test them further in our high fidelity simulation lab so you can employ is training in the most realistic way possible.

Welcome to the Rural Airway Excellence course!

Accredited by the Canadian College of Family Physicians for 6.5 registered credits.


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